Writer-director Nathan Catucci’s psychological thriller Impossible Monsters is set for a theatrical release in New York and Los Angeles this Valentine’s Day, and we’ve got an exclusive trailer for the film which you can watch here courtesy of Gravitas Ventures…
In the psychological thriller Impossible Monsters, Dr. Rich Freeman (Tony Award-winner Santino Fontana), an ambitious and well-liked psychology professor, pursues a sleep study with a focus on nightmares, dreams, and sleep paralysis – the success of which would result in a lucrative grant. As the line between dreams and reality blur, a member of the study is murdered, and everything begins to unravel, leaving Dr. Freeman fighting to make things right.
Impossible Monsters opens on Friday, February 14th 2020, and features a cast that includes Santino Fontana, Natalie Knepp, Devika Bhise, Donall O. Healai, Chris Henry Coffey, Geoffrey Owens,