Following his breakout role in the fourth season of the hit Netflix series, Eddie Munson is set to take centre stage in an all-new Stranger Things adventure from Dark Horse Comics with the four issue limited comic series Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire.
The series is being written by Jody Houser (Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins) and Eric Campbell (Dungeons & Dragons Worlds & Realms, Frank Frazetta’s Dawn Attack) with art fromDiego Galindo (Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things: The Tomb of Ybwen), and will launch this coming February.
“Jody Houser and Eric Campbell have expertly woven together two beloved IPs to spotlight Eddie Munson’s pure heart as he fosters the heroes in all those around him and celebrate how Dungeons and Dragons can strengthen the bonds of friendship,” said Senior Editor Spencer Cushing. “What better way to honor the 50th anniversary of a beloved game than through the nostalgic lens of Stranger Things?”
“As soon as I saw Stranger Things season 4, I knew the story of Eddie Munson and the Hellfire Club would be a perfect sequel to our Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragonsminiseries,” added co-writer Jody Houser. “Both Eric and I are very familiar with how D&D forges friendships and storytellers, and it’s been wonderful exploring Hawkins through that lens.”
Spell slinging, sword swinging, and the luck of the dice shaped the lives of the Stranger Things boys well before they had real-life monsters to face. This crossover comic features Eddie Munson’s rise to de facto leader of the Hellfire Club, flashbacks to the legendary campaign that got him hooked on D&D, his recruitment of Lucas, Dustin, and Mike, and glimpses into the fantasy worlds they conquered together.
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1 will go on sale on February 19th 2025.