Saban Films has released a poster and trailer for director Mark Neveldine’s (Crank, Gamer) upcoming action thriller Panama. Set during the political upheaval of 1989 Panama, the film stars Cole Hauser as a former marine who learns the true nature of political power when he is hired by a CIA operative (Mel Gibson) to complete a secret arms deal; take a look here…
When the U.S. is on the brink of invading Panama, a former marine (Hauser) is hired by a CIA operative (Gibson) for a top secret arms trade mission. Alone and among the most dangerous arms dealers, Becker (Hauser) learns the true nature of political power.
Joining Hauser and Gibson in the cast of Panama are Charlie Weber, Katie Katzman, and Jackie Cruz.
Panama arrives in cinemas and on digital platforms on March 18th.