The second season of Netflix’s live-action adaptation Avatar: The Last Airbender has filled out several significant roles from the original animated series. Per Variety, the series has cast Chin Han (Mortal Kombat) Hoa Xuande (The Sympathizer), Justin Chien (The Brothers Sun), Amanda Zhou (Spinning Out), Crystal Yu (Good Omens), Kelemete Misipeka (Sons of Thunder), Lourdes Faberes […]
Movie Review – Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre (2023)
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre, 2023. Directed by Guy Ritchie. Starring Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza, Josh Hartnett, Hugh Grant, Cary Elwes, Bugzy Malone, Peter Ferdinando, Eddie Marsan, Lourdes Faberes, Max Beesley, Sam Douglas, Aksel Üstün, Oliver Maltman, Ergun Kuyucu, Eugenia Kuzmina, Sinan Yildiz, Vincent Wang, Tim Seyfi, Antonio Bustorff, Amy Jackson, Conor MacNeill, Bestemsu Özdemir, […]
Movie Review – Boiling Point (2021)
Boiling Point, 2021. Directed by Philip Barantini. Starring Stephen Graham, Vinette Robinson, Alice Feetham, Jason Flemyng, Ray Panthaki, Lourdes Faberes, Lauryn Ajufo and Hannah Walters. SYNOPSIS: On one of the busiest nights of the year, a harried head chef and his team attempt to put together high-quality cuisine under immense pressure. Stephen Graham is one […]
Good Omens casts its Beelzebub and Horsemen
The adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens has just filled out several more of its cast. The series has found three of four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as well as the ultimate demon Beelzebub for the Amazon and BBC Two series. Anna Maxwell Martin (Becoming Jane) will star as Beelzebub while Mireille Enos (The Killing) will […]