Black Mandala has shared a poster and trailer for Brett M. Butler and Jason G. Butler’s upcoming mystery thriller Purgatory Jack. Set in the dangerous, destitute landscape of the Underworld, the film follows private detective Jack Marlin as he his hired by a new arrival, pop punk star Viv Vacious. to track down her mother […]
Movie Review – Wildhood (2022)
Wildhood, 2022. Written and Directed by Bretten Hannam. Starring Phillip Lewitski, Michael Greyeyes, Joel Thomas Hynes, Savonna Spracklin, Jordan Poole, Steve Lund, Joshua Odjick, Mary-Colin Chisholm, Callum Dunphy, Bailey Maughan, Avery Winters-Anthony, Samuel Davison, Ursula Calder, Desna Michael Thomas, Bobby Pierro, Guillermo Knockwood, John R. Sylliboy, Becky Julian, and Ben Ryan. SYNOPSIS: Two brothers embark […]