A Floridian theme park mascot has been announced as one of the playable characters that will be coming to Disney Speedstorm at launch. If you’re not familiar with the upcoming title, it’s essentially an arcade racer in the vein of Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing, with the unique selling point being that it swaps […]
Why Disney World can be great fun for childless adults
Alec Frazier on the recent controversy about Disney World and childless adults… Recently, a parent went on social media and claimed that childless millennials and other individuals without children should be banned from Walt Disney World. This claim has stirred up a great deal of controversy, so we have come up with five valid reasons […]
Star Wars theme park attractions will be based on new movies
Since Disney purchased Lucasfilm, it was only a matter of time before the Star Wars theme park attractions at Disney World were going to expand. Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger spoke about the expansions and plans in an interview saying, “there will be a much larger Star Wars presence in our parks globally. But we want […]